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Ba Zi Golden Verses on Year Pillar
Ba Zi Golden Verses on Year Pillar
Introduction (8:16)
Year Pillar Golden Verse 1 - Year Stem sitting on Travelling Horse, grandfather or parents have to frequently travel for business (9:35)
Year Pillar Golden Verse 2 - Year Stem seeing Heaven Virtue or Month Virtue, parents are kind and compassionate (5:08)
Year Pillar Golden Verse 3 - Year Branch sitting on Talent Star, parents are talented but aloof (5:38)
Year Pillar Golden Verse 4 - Direct Resource reveals at Year Pillar, born into wealthy and noble family. (5:16)
Year Pillar Golden Verse 5 - Indirect Resource at Year Pillar destroys ancestral luck. (3:32)
Year Pillar Golden Verse 6 - Wealth star presents at Year Pillar, ancestor or grandparents enjoy good luck. (4:06)
Year Pillar Golden Verse 7 - Friend or Rob Wealth star presents at Year Pillar implies no inheritance. (3:41)
Year Pillar Golden Verse 8 - Direct Officer star presents at Year Pillar, one can benefit from ancestor. (3:43)
Year Pillar Golden Verse 9 - Year Stem Shang Guan is most detested, and to become rich one needs to go overseas. (3:45)
Year Pillar Golden Verse 10 - Year or Month Pillar sees Shang Guan, poor affinity with parents and siblings. (3:18)
Year Pillar Golden Verse 10 - Year or Month Pillar sees Shang Guan, poor affinity with parents and siblings.
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